One of my friends from university that I haven’t seen since early 2009 (whoops…) even though we attend the same school and even had a class together last term (but we never saw each other) saw me today while I was leaving my lab class. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and we talked for a little bit. In the nearly 10 minutes that it took us to walk (… slowly) to the bus loop, we caught up on everything. Life, school, assorted things. And as I was about to get onto my bus, she said something to me.

You’re not longer… crazy hyper with a mad sense of humour*, telling me that I should hit on the cute, totally fit guys playing frisbee on the field or that I should jump a TA. What happened?

My answer?

Life happened, A. Maybe I grew up a little when I wasn’t looking.

* Hah. Someone thinks I’ve got a “mad sense of humour”.

3 Responses

  1. I love it when that happens, when someone you havent seen in a while you bump into them. I did that a week ago with my old flatmate who i havent seen for ages, and were going out this weekend for a catch-up drink.

  2. It’s always nice to meet up with people you’ve not seen for a while. I think they are always checking to see if you have changed though!

  3. Ha I love catching up with people.. but yeah, everyone changes so much in that amount of time! I’m so different to how I was at school a year ago. A lot less loud and stuff ha. x

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