Questions come from The Friday Five.
1. Do you have a favourite cause that you support?
Room to Read
2. If so, how do you support it?
I’ve donated money to the organization before.
3. Have you been an active member of an organization (attending meetings, volunteering etc)?
Yes I have [in the past] (various clubs in school, Girl Guides of Canada).
4. Have you ever led any group?
Yeeep. I was group leader in Girl Guides for my third year in Guides. I was the webmaster and later president of a creative/academic writing club at my high school. Now I’m just another student in a sea of around 80,000 people.
5. If so, how was your experience with it? or If not, why, is it a conscious choice, of lack of opportunity?
Being a leader of anything is always a step up from being a member. You have to be able to take initiative, plan meetings and write newsletters. You have to be able to come up with activities to do and topics to write about. And overall, I think it was a great experience for me. It really proved to me that I had it in myself to be some form of a leader and I think that was the best part of it.