However, watch me blog about not getting to sleep until like 4am in the morning because someone was keeping me up. Or something. Anyways… Hope everyone’s November 1st was awesome. I also hope that everyone’s novels are picking up steam and are going great. I ended today with 13,684 words. Below the 15,000-20,000 word count that I wanted, but I was being distracted by assorted things and people and my massive bag of candy (yum). Anyways, I’m hoping to get up to 20,000 tomorrow and then I’ll be using the rest of the day to go shopping for birthday things (placing the order for the cake, getting stuff for the dinner if I can, pop, chips, gummi bears, the usual).
Have a wonderful night, you night owls, you.
hey i think you did awesome this far on your writting novel thing. if i wouldn’t have had a cold this weekend i think i would have considered trying. now i’ll just be behind!!
i”m jealous of you halloween candy too. ugh i just have some candy corn!
13,684 words?! Someone’s getting some writing done! In 3 nanovels, my high for a day is only about 8500 words. Good luck with the rest of your novel!
Wow thats a lot of words, bet you get essays done very quickly! Good luck with the rest of it!