This is how my desk at work looked this morning, before I had cleaned it up. Note the papers stacked up. Those letter trays? Full of papers, all neatly paper clipped or binder-clipped together. The top 2 letter trays were various completed projects/work. The bottom 2 consists of about a million (… 30+) folders for organizing all the papers of things that I needed for data entry (it’s a sort of fluid project since I was always getting new documents to enter in). And do you see that chair? Super comfy, high back with an arch for great support. The arms were plasticky and didn’t really feel like they belonged to the rest of the chair, but I love that chair! Someone traded with me for their spare chair within 3 days of me sitting in my cubicle.


Work went great today. I didn’t have a whole lot to do (obviously they can’t throw new projects at me, granted they did suggest it though…). I handed out my crocheted cupcakes (as you can see 2 of them on my desk in the photo!) to my coworkers and they all loved them to bits! They asked if I bought them or made them, how long it took me to make them, if knitting was difficult (even after I mentioned that they were crocheted). One of my coworkers, R, joked about how they were like the ‘perfect’ treat: no fat, sugar or calories and 100% fibre.

And this was my desk by the end of the day. I cleaned off all those files and you can see the old school tax calculator on my desk. It was there before I was placed at that desk and I just never moved it. I blurred out the screen, the Post-Its and the company logo on my id because it was all still readable. However, you can see ‘NEW EMPLOYEE’ on my id badge. I gave it back before I left, don’t worry (although I nearly forgot).


It felt weird being able to see all of the fake wood grain on my desk for once. That and putting away all my extra stationary things – notepad, paperclips, pens, pencils, stuff like that. I popped the water bottle into the recycling bin, cleaned off all the Post It notes that I had everywhere. I went around and said all my good byes and I clocked out at a few minutes after 4:30pm.

I had this conversation with one of my coworkers today, about an hour or so before I left, and it went like this:

M: I think I’m really going to miss all of you. You’re all so entertaining.
D: Well yes, we are entertaining, but I don’t think you’re going to miss us that much.
M: Well, of course I will! What else will I blog about?
D: *laughter* This is true. Your poor blog readers, they’ll just be putting up with you bitching about school until next summer.

2 Responses

  1. Well your computer desk is a lot more neater then mine at home. I would be to embarrassed to take a photo of mine. I could not imagined what it would be like if i had an office job. I would be fired for being too messy.
    I’m glad you had a good day at work and you got some things done.

  2. I love looking at people’s computer setups! Hang something on that wall, will ya? Gosh! I love your little desk. I think you are very organized. 🙂

    Aw, the last day! It’s all SO CLEAN! You finally made it, huh? Those cupcakes are so cute. I know that your coworkers were going to love them and I’m so glad that they did.

    Sorry I’ve been such a bad commenter lately.

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