There was a power outage yesterday at about 10:30pm when my parents told me to go to bed and get off of my laptop. Instead I added another 2k words to my word count but couldn’t update it since no power means no internet. But this morning we (collectively in my household) woke up at about 10:30am. It was nice having more than 8 hours of sleep for the first time a long while. I did my chemistry report even though it’s not due until November 27th. I also did my physics assignment today (in total it was 5 problems that involves me actually understanding the concepts) and I also did two of my biology assignments as they were online. It was nice to actually get something done after not getting any homework done on Saturday or Sunday. I also didn’t get very much writing done on either of those days either. But today alone, I wrote around 7k words which brought my total word count to just over 40k! I am quite pleased with that was I was aiming to get my word count to 50k before the 15th and it should happen.
I was reading the newspaper today and it mentioned this monument that had been built for remembering the fallen soldiers and it was called Menin Gate Memorial. It is in Ypres, Belgium and the citizens of the town wanted it built to remember all the British and Commonwealth soldiers that had died to help secure Belgium’s freedom. From Wikipedia, I learned that every evening at 8:00pm, they have a daily ceremony where they block off the road and play Last Post. Whenever one of the soldiers’ bodies are found, and identified, they are given a proper burial and their names are taken off of the gate where a large majority of the names of the missing soldiers had been engraved. I also learned that the Menin Gate was too small for the total amount of names for the fallen and missing soldiers and the remainder of the names were engraved at the Tyne Cot Memorial. Just a little bit of history I felt that I should share.
I can’t sleep when the power is out. It’s always too quiet, too hot or too cold. I usually spent the night playing board games by candlelight and waking up pretty early.
At least you managed to get some things done. It’s good to feel accomplished now and again.