Here are some career choices that I would randomly consider if this whole “university” thing doesn’t pan out. And yes, this is meant to be funny ha-ha, not funny ‘wtf is this girl on and where is the nearest straitjacket?’.
- Professional Blogger – Just need my laptop and some people willing to pay.
- New York Times Bestselling Author – No reason really needed.
- Dominatrix -Handcuffs and safety words, anyone?
- “Journalist” for a tabloid – See the winged child in the rafters of the foreclosed factory!
- Stay at Home Mom – Michelle as a mini-van driving wife who takes kiddies from gymnastics to ballet to soccer to girl guides?
- Professional karaoke singer – Excuse me while I laugh.
- Hang gliding instructor – Michelle with the fear of heights, teaching hang gliding…
- The girl who shelves cds at Best Buy – “Now why on earth would you want to listen to them? You should try this artist instead.”
- eBay seller – Yum, just sit at my computer all day and occasionally head out to the post office!
- Ask Abby Advice Columnist – “Dear Abby, my boyfriend hates me, what should I do? – Crying in New York City” “New York, you’re in NYC – just go out and find a new guy. – Abby”
Gosh I always thought I’d be a cheesemaker as a backup career! Hahaha!
Fancy being a hang gliding instructor.. I’m scared of heights too. Well, if you’re serious about giving advice, what about counselling? =p. It’s what I used to want to do, but, I sort of decided against it.
You could try babysitting.. gosh, I hate little kids. My job’s enough dealing with them not knowing how to spell ‘was’. (‘Wus’. Doofus children.)
LOL I love those XD.
YAY for backup plans. You need to see A’s reply to you’re comment on DA…Ya….I have nothing to say in regards to his comment. It speaks for itself =_=
Dominatrix? Really? XD
I can haz password for protected posts? :3
lol I hope they work out for you =D
I might consider a few too lol!!!!