The letter’s F and U as well as the number 1897235856271211.
Anyways… Westlife’s Miss You. I’ve been listening to it almost all day. It’s driving me insane because I keep on turning back to it. Even in my sleeping state, I pulled out my mp3 player and turned it back to that. Wtf.
Im not a big Westlife fan, to be honest. It’s a little.. cheesy for me 😛 a little soft. But whatever floats your boat 😀
I love Westlife.
Shane droooooooool <3
Don’t particularly like Westlife, but their music = lovely. (For want of a better word.) Don’t you have a repeat function on your mp3? (My mp3 sucks too.) I usually just copy the file 50 times if I love the song. lol.