So my mother wakes me up at 7am this morning and just goes “Don’t you have class today at 9?”. Keep in mind that she wakes up at 6:30am and would have seen that a) my door was closed, b) I wasn’t in the kitchen and c) my bedroom lights were off. Hey, guess what, maybe Michelle slept in! … Or maybe she hit the snooze on the alarm and dismissed the alarm on her cell phone. … Twice. Maybe. Just maybe that’s what happened this morning. So it was 7am, I start rushing around the house like I’ve got a sabretooth tiger on my tail (because we all hate it when really extinct animals come back to haunt us with their sharp teeth and equally sharp claws). Get changed super quickly (I just looked down to see what was I wearing today – luckily it doesn’t look like I got dressed in the dark, even though I did). Was in the kitchen at 7:05am, quickly shoved bread into the toaster, ran back and shoved stuff into my bag, remembered to grab my clicker (it’s like a remote response system for my biology class where we answer multiple choice questions that are supposed to slightly mimic the type of questions we would see in exams) and then my cell phone gets unplugged from the wall and goes straight into my pocket. Ran back out to the kitchen, grabbed my toast. Luckily my mom decided that since I was running late, she’d make tea for me. And since it’s loaded with cream and honey, in my toast went. Dunk it in, down the hatch. Hey look, toast is all gone! Of course, by now it’s around 7:15am and the next bus is at 7:19am. Grabbed my bag, grabbed my jacket, grabbed a handful of quarters from my desk and out the door I went.

The sad thing is, though, my bus was late today. I know, I know. All that rushing for that? My bus rolled to stop in front of me at around 7:22am. And I still got to class earlier. In fact, I was still the first person here this morning (it alternates between J and myself for being the first person in the classroom). Now it’s almost time for class, but I need to go back to refreshing my biology class’ website as there’s supposed to be a new assignment up this morning.

1. What time do you normally wake up on a Friday and what time did you actually wake up?

2 Responses

  1. I hate days that start out like that. You rush and rush and rush, and never feel totally relaxed and on top of things like you would on a normal day.

    As far as waking times… um, when the kids get up? Heh. We operate on a later schedule, so typically we’re all up by 10-10:30.

  2. I’m up by 7 ’cause I have an 8:30 class. It’s my only class on Fri and it’s only an hour long… so i guess Fridays are usually good days for me. =)

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