– my baby of 2+ years is finally getting into some big-kid clothes and moving up in the world. I’m crazy happy about it, so are all of the wonderful members who roleplay there, I love them all, they’re so great and supportive. Anyways, go check it out. It’s my ‘void of colour’ layout for the game (previous layouts were blue [a lot of blue-themed layouts], tan, purple and… I think that’s about it). So far, I’ve gotten some really great comments from some of the players already. A lot of them love it, some of them went “It’s about freaking time!” – so it’s all really encouraging and a great community of roleplayers (hinthint for anyone who’s reading this and into play-by-post roleplaying games!).

I got my bio lab done today (4 pages… of pure text… no graphs, no tables. Once I added the tables, it was 7 pages). Which is good, since it’s due at 9am on Tuesday morning. I’m about halfway done the the bio notes for my other bio class and I’m going to be rereading Great Expectations tonight and on the bus to school tomorrow morning. Also, I’m dragging along a stack of bio notes that need to be copied over to my notebook to school tomorrow so I have something (remotely) productive to do. If anyone notices that I’m online – please smack me.

4 Responses

  1. Muahha it’s no longer on Freewebs. CONGRATS :D. Ooh, and I have backups of my files on my computer. I like editing on my computer then uploading. Because in the past when my files got deleted when I was on a freeserver – I learnt from that. Keep backups!

    Amoxicillin! Wow. I seem to have to take that every time I am sick from a cold or a sore throat. And I love skittles too. I haven’t had them in a while but I’m soooo going out and getting some.

    I had to do a bio lab report/case study thing two years ago and it was only 8 pages but I think it was choc-a-bloc full of tables and data. Pure text scares me and makes me think of English. 😛

  2. Oh Biology! I didn’t do well on that subject.. well not as good as I did in Physics but the subject was okay for me. Haha. I loved the Biology experiments but I can’t imagine myself making a paper, 4 pages at that, of pure text for that subject! Haha.

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