I did manage to get gifts and things for people today! I bought flour, icing sugar and sprinkles for my baking purposes. I also bought mint chocolate for my dad (because he loves it) and a puzzle for my sister (… because she loves putting them together). I haven’t gotten my mom’s present yet (I may get her tea sampler) and my other sister is lovingly hinting (read: demanding) that I get her slippers (… I don’t think I’ll be getting her slippers). And tomorrow I’m off to hit up assorted toy stores in hopes of finding a very specific model car. Well, not that specific, it just needs to be a specific make and model, I’m not that specific about the year or the colour. I just want to find it, buy it and wrap it and forget all about searching through so many toy cars. But I’m also hoping that if I can get home before noon tomorrow, that I can make cookies tomorrow… Since apparently I’m busy on Thursday and I don’t want to necessarily leave it all until Friday. Want to know how many batches of cookies I’m planning on making? Way too many! I’m thinking about 3 dozen to give away and 2 dozen to keep. Or so. Oh boy. I’ll have to see…
But the lovely thing about crowded malls is that I found people that I knew who were also shopping! And K helped me search through piles and piles of toy cars in hopes of finding the specific make and model. Obviously we were unsuccessful – but once I find it (and I will find it!) I shall take a million photos and show you all the glory that is a Hot Wheels car.
1. How much holiday shopping do you have left to do?
2. Who’s been the most difficult person on your list to shop for this year?
3. What’s been the most difficult thing to find so far?
My answers:
1. Not a whole lot, just a tea sampler and a new toque for my mom and a toy car.
2. … My mother and the boyfriend.
3. The toy car. And icing sugar (so many stores before I finally found it!).
I’m still figuring it out but I like it so far!
1. How much holiday shopping do you have left to do? None, woot!
2. Who’s been the most difficult person on your list to shop for this year? We only buy for the kids so… it isn’t too hard 😀
3. What’s been the most difficult thing to find so far? Nothing. Wow, sounds like I’m having an easy Christmas season, huh?
Aww I love shopping when I have money. Those gifts sound nice and I bet your mom would love the tea sampler. I cannot make cookies for the life of me! I can do all kinds of cake though..
1. How much holiday shopping do you have left to do?
– I’m technically finished, just extras
2. Who’s been the most difficult person on your list to shop for this year?
– Matthew, because he found out what I was getting him so I had to change it and Rickey because he has everything.
3. What’s been the most difficult thing to find so far?
– Nothing really. I’ve gotten lucky with all I’ve wanted to get.
1. I haven’t really started yet… so umm… yeah.
2. My sister
3. Ummmm… I never really have anything specific in mind when i go xmas shopping. I just ramdomly go into stores and see if there’s anything in there for someone that I need to get gifts for.