First thing’s first…

I got approved for a new fanlisting! The Ethan Lovett & Lesley Lu “Lulu” Spencer fanlisting. They’re are two characters in the ABC soap opera General Hospital. They started off as adversaries, then they decided to be friends, and then, it turns out that they’re half siblings. I love their relationship. Hence the fanlisting. Besides… Ethan has an Australian accent. Which was a really pleasant surprise, I applied for the fanlisting nearly a month ago so I nearly forgot about it.

Work was okay, rather boring and long, but it was okay overall. The new logo that was revealed a while ago, came with a new company website (of course). They came up with little slogans for each product line and someone actually approved the phrase “you need balls for this job”. For a company website. I’m not sure why someone would approve that. I mean, yes, on some level it’s amusing. But at the same time, for a professional website for a company that deals with people on an international scale, it’s not appropriate. That and I don’t have much of a sense of humour tonight.

I went thrift store shopping with my eldest sister today and it turns out that I introduced her to it. I found a really cute hoodie (green with white daisies all over it) but the sleeves were ratty and… it had this horrible smell to it. I mean, the smell would probably come out with a good washing (maybe). But I didn’t like the sleeves. I also found sweatshirts and such from my school – the thrift store was selling them for $5-6 and they retail for $60+ at my school’s bookstore (granted, those ones don’t come with stains…).

Some… stuff happened tonight, so I don’t really feel like writing too much. I did want to share my new fanlisting acquisition though, since I love their relationship and all that.

Anyways, I decided that I will be making a dolly blog so I won’t bore you all to death with details about Sophie and her hopefully soon-to-be expanding wardrobe and other dolly-craft endeavours! It will probably be on a subdomain (I have 3 domains already… And I’m not that good at updating all of them!) but I need help coming up with a name!

Because, left to my own devices, I just know that I’ll end up with something like… “Make Believe” or “Imagine” or something equally non-descriptive, short and… well… kind of boring.

4 Responses

  1. A short subdomain name isn’t a bad thing.
    Imo, using her name would be best.
    Or something with her name in it.
    And then some witty title with Sophie in it.
    As I suggest this I have in mind.
    Though I don’t think “Sophie and your mom” is what you’re looking for =P
    But it’s certainly different from the usual names =)

  2. Hahha I wouldn’t be able to think of a much better name. All I can think of is “dollybaby”. Eh. 😛

    Whee for the new fanlisting! I remember applying for a load of songs ages ago and the category hasn’t been updated. XD

    That slogan is quite humourous but obviously I agree that it isn’t appropriate for a company being all professional and everything. What annoys me is when people are trying to be professional and spell professional wrong… anyway, they were obviously amateurs.

    I actually went to an op shop today (that’s what they call it here). 🙂 I picked up a nice casual bag for $5 and some genuine perfumes (one was Christian Dior) for $5 each; the bottles were still quite full! Great what a bargain you can pick up. The lady at the counter was a bit of a bitch; tried to make me pay $2 for a tiny and incredibly rusty chain with a crystal on the end (I only wanted the crystal but she wouldn’t even give it to me for $1 so I just didn’t buy it). Well, that was my experience. XD

  3. I really love thrift shopping but unfortunately there aren’t many in my area. If I want to do any thrifty shopping I need to go into New York City and I just hate the city so much.

    I am excited for your dolly blog! 😀

  4. Haha I’m not terribly sure; I was making a real generalisation there. 😛 Just based on my own experiences and other people I know online. Haven’t come across anything different as of yet!

    Yes, they definitely do give back to charity; I just thought it a bit sillythat she didn’t know what the USB phone was and suddenly she said “it’s expensive in the shops”. :S

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