Study study study!

Good flipping grief, there’s only so much stupid study questions I can go through before I want to break down and cry. My first final is tomorrow, worth 45% of my final grade (which is actually low compared to all of the other classes that I’m taking this term – everything else is 50%, 50% […]

Buzz, busy like a little bee

I saw my first bee of the year yesterday, which had made me very excited for multiple reasons: Spring isn’t *really* here until the pollinators are out and about Bees make me happy (as insects do <- entomology nerd) Pollinators can mean fruit production. And I like fruit. Noms. Bees aren’t around when it’s raining, […]


March has come and gone… April’s progressing a little faster than I would like! I have 4 finals to contend with once classes are over. Still looking for a job… I’ve determined that it’s incredibly common for companies to put up job listings and leave them up after they’ve a) already hired someone, b) put […]