Happy anniversary!

A year ago today, I went on my very first date with Clay. He picked me up and we took the longest time figuring out what to do. We decided to go see a movie, so we went to the theatre to check out times. We decided on seeing Wall-E (… erm, by ‘we decided’, […]

Happy happy happy

Kristi &  Deena – I have no clue who sent the weird email (besides their first name – which I removed because it seemed like a ‘unique’ name and to protect the privacy of stupid people and all –  and no, I didn’t reply to it. Work went reasonably well yesterday. I say reasonably I […]

Mishaps, comfort, friends and dolls. <3

[Side note for Dane: your 5 words are: (1) Disney, (2) relationships, (3) family, (4) future and (5) independence] Sunday was briefly eventful. Volunteering went splendid, I helped out with the trivia game and the residents really seem to enjoy it (especially when one person realizes that they’ve been answering correctly more than everyone else […]