Plans for the week
I got loads of sleep the night before (Saturday -> Sunday) and a decent amount of sleep last night (Sunday -> Monday). I’ve also been attempting to remember every single thing from my psychology notes, lecture slides (downloaded, of course) and textbook (as she will put questions with facts that are from the textbook, and […]
I went to bed at around 6am (today…). I woke up at around 8am because my family thought I’d been sleeping for far too long. Obviously, we were lacking communication about my lack of sleep. Next time I think I’ll just stick a Post-It on my door going “Stayed up, couldn’t sleep, chatted with the […]
Apple sauce
My biology final is done. Done, done, done, done, done, done. As of 9pm. I smiled. Greatly. Oh, and I’ve also discovered apple iced tea. Which was amazing. And apparently there’s raspberry iced tea as well? Where have I been living? (… ‘underneath a rock’ is not an appropriate answer to that question!) So two […]