I am me (even if you can’t seem to comprehend that fact).

I was going to write something about how I’d been off saving the world from fire-breathing dragons. Or very hungry, hungry hippos. Or something that would explain my lack of posting since the 12th (yeah, 13 days ago, go me). But really, I don’t have much of an excuse… At all. But I really don’t […]

Short and sweet

Sometimes I get these fits of moment where all I can think is how completely and utterly blessed I am for some of the people in my life. I love you.

An Obligatory Post-Christmas Entry

Work last week went well. I may have enjoyed the fact that people were bringing in cookies and chocolates and the fact that there was a steady supply of decent hot chocolate right there a little bit too much. But, well, it’s just a little sugar? I did do some Christmas baking last week  – […]