Manic Monday #139

What is the greatest value that guides your life? I’d have to say honesty, mostly. Probably with myself and with others. Well, will most others. Fill in the blank: If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be ______. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat from X-Men. I’m […]

Manic Monday

What is one thing you admire about each of your parents? I admire my mother for putting up with my father and (despite the fact that I cannot stand his ideals and morals) I admire my father for sticking to what he knows best (even if it isn’t the best thing for anyone other than […]

Manic Monday

What is the most useful gift you’ve ever been given? I’m not going to lie, the most useful gift that I can think of that I’ve received is money. Tuition and textbooks are expensive and I’m paying for my education myself at the moment. Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far. Umm… […]