While my computer was out of order…

My poor computer had come under the weather lately and then had a case of Michelle-enduced amnesia. I spent the better part of the last two days reteaching my computer what to do, but only the necessities (eg. Word, Excel, Firefox, Photoshop). I can work on the other things later. But I thought I would […]

An Obligatory Post-Christmas Entry

Work last week went well. I may have enjoyed the fact that people were bringing in cookies and chocolates and the fact that there was a steady supply of decent hot chocolate right there a little bit too much. But, well, it’s just a little sugar? I did do some Christmas baking last week  – […]

That time of year…

And I don’t mean the winter holidays (although I so wish I was talking about that!). In just under a week, I’ll be writing my first final exam for the term (for my ecology course). At this point, I’m usually in some kind of weird head space, just trying to go over everything and remember […]