Say what now?

I’ve been getting a lot of mail lately. Some of it was solicited (TEXTBOOKS!!#$%!) and others was not (dear playhouse that I purchased musical tickets from you 2 years ago, you’d think because I haven’t bought tickets in 2 years, that would be a hint to stop wasting paper). Unfortunately, I’m still unable to intercept […]

I saw this coming like a predictable movie ending

D: So I have this friend…*long pause*M: I have friends too!D: *gives me a look* So I have this friend and he has a daughter…*long pause*M: I have friends that have daughters too!D: *gives me another look* And she’s coming to Canada to go to school.M: *can see where this is going* That’s nice.D: And […]

From country bar to the ER

Last night I went out to celebrate the 21st birthday of a very country-music loving girl. It started off well. I got picked up by a super awesome designated driver (C) and there was already another girl in the car (M), who I mistook for the birthday girl because of a) the hair, b) I […]