Are you a brainiac? I know who isn’t one!

8 more work days! (Can you tell that I’m counting down?) On the school front – I have not gotten a response yet regarding that ‘unpaid registration fee’ for the summer term (obviously, I did not take any courses during the summer and it should have been removed from my account ages ago). I need […]

Conversation dump

This first one occurred after I had lunch and after I went and flossed my teeth (… yes, I floss my teeth at work… I didn’t feel like walking around with green vegetables stuck between my teeth!). (Happened today.) [random talking and then…] D: Hey Michelle… M: Yeah? S: You’ve got blood on your teeth… […]

Mishaps, comfort, friends and dolls. <3

[Side note for Dane: your 5 words are: (1) Disney, (2) relationships, (3) family, (4) future and (5) independence] Sunday was briefly eventful. Volunteering went splendid, I helped out with the trivia game and the residents really seem to enjoy it (especially when one person realizes that they’ve been answering correctly more than everyone else […]