Post V-Day

So Valentine’s Day went well. I wore a black dress that I bought last summer (and never gotten around to wearing) and I’d mentioned it to Clay that I was probably going to be a little dressy, so he dressed up as well. I gave him sugar cookies (as mentioned in my last entry) and […]

Happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day!

So I hope everyone is having a good February 14th, regardless of the fact that you’re in a relationship with another person (or many other people – just no animals, please, I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in most, if not all, countries). Granted, I generally wish everyone a good day. And just because it happens […]

V-Day Planning – Take 2

So… New plans are slightly formalized. We’ve defaulted back on the very normal (and slightly overdone – by us) a dinner and a movie. I’m, of course, picking the restaurant this time since last time he picked a place with taxidermy all over the walls and antler chandeliers. So not my cup of tea. That […]