How updating a program made me hate my printer
The last week, I’d been tweeting about how much of a pain my printer was being. It just flat out refused to print anything for a it. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled my printer’s programs and associated drivers. Awesome, my printer will print anything that is not in PDF format. This was a problem for […]
The end of something, the start of something
The past week or so has been a bit of a whirlwind. I got sick, for starters. Don’t ask me how. How does one come down with a cold in the summer? It defies logic (even though, the biology student side of me is chiding me for thinking that a ‘cold’ has anything to do […]
A lot of shopping, a lot of meds
It has been pointed out to me by my sisters that I like thrift stores an awful lot. Mostly because it’s a challenge to find things, and things are inexpensive/cheap (but you do need to know what to look for). My favourite sections are the housewares and the toys. I’ve been collecting soup mugs with […]