I enjoyed reading about what everyone would do with their hundred million dollars (or whatever currency that you’re all used to) lottery winnings, if they were to win. Seems like everyone wants to buy real estate and invest. Some of the assorted business ventures that I would try out would be a bead shop (although I’d probably end up using everything…) or a yarn shop.

But besides from my dream-like business ventures, I should probably tell you all that you may (or may not) have a new reader amongst you. Oh yes, I finally told the boyfriend about Imaginary Sunshine. So everyone, on the count of 3, let’s give a warm welcome to Clay. 1… 2… 3… (I’m going assume that you didn’t actually say ‘Hi Clay’ after reading the 3, because I’m sure people around you would think that you’re absolutely crazy, which you aren’t! It’s okay to talk to your computer, I do it all the time. Well, not all the time, but you know what I mean.)

It’s been a source of, how shall I call it, friction. He knew that this blog existed, but didn’t know what I wrote about him or the random crap that I may or may not throw up onto the internet for the masses to read. I mean, really, who wants to read about my love affair with cream cheese and how much I love my tea? (Well, I like reading about it, when I go back to read over things, but it’s also my life, so that makes a bit of sense, right?) I mean, really, it’s always been the elephant in the room. Like we both know it exists. He’s just unsure of if he likes the idea of things about him being put online. I mean, what do you all really know about him besides the fact that he’s older, a lot taller (and the fact that it’s a yum factor for me), the fact that he makes me smile and the fact that we have absurdly silly conversations? I may have commented on his taste in music before, but I’d comment that to anyone as it is.

So, I told him. Knowing that he was at home at the time and probably had instant access to a working computer and internet access. And then insert a long pause. And then he comments on how many sites I have, you know, the things that are listed here. So obviously, I think that he’s gone on and checked out this site. And I expect that he’s started reading about random posts about himself, or that he could comment on how passive aggressive I really am (and never really let on about). But it turns out that he didn’t. Not sure if he’s decided to read this, and I’d hazard a guess that this would be one of the first things that he ends up reading. Kinda lame, but, you know, could be worse, I guess. He could be greeted with a post going “Fuck, what the hell was I thinking?”.

That post is for tomorrow, obviously.

So, everyone give him a warm welcome (or not, I really don’t care which at the moment). At this moment I am not sure if him having access/knowledge to my website will increase the number of password protected posts. It’s unlikely (I do them often enough as it is). Granted, I might post less about him. Or rather, I’ll post less negative and public things about him. Because I’m nineteen different types of awesome and I’m just that super.


  1. If you have a blog and a significant other (SO: boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee, wife/husband, dog, cat, etc.) do they a) know about your blog and b) do they read it?
  2. If you answered yes (or no!) to either of the above questions, how often do you write about your SO in your blog entries?
  3. How often do you write negative things about your SO in your blog entries?
  4. And if your SO knows about and reads your blog, how much control (or voice) do you allow them to have in regards to the amount of censoring in terms of material that you post up about them or your relationship in general?

9 Responses

  1. david knows about my blog. a bunch of people in real life do. but none of them read it, because they don’t want to disrespect my privacy
    2.i write about david alot in my posts
    3. i write what i feel. alot of times it is negative (well kinda lately lol)
    4. i wouldnt let anyone tell me what to write. they are my feelings. and feelings change..so if it helps me to write things instead of saying them, well so be it

  2. Hi Clay! (Or something.)

    I once had a “private” LiveJournal in which I wrote about some of our issues early on in the relationship. It took me about a month to let him in. Other than that, he’s known of all my blogs from the beginning. And he’s read them all.

    I haven’t blogged about anything terribly personal in years, so it’s really not an issue.

    Forums are where I draw the line. I wouldn’t like him poking around there and seeing what I say, even if it’s not that interesting. That’s where I hang out with “the girls” I guess. Even if I haven’t been active on Verity in a long time.

  3. Welcome Clay, to the DEEP DARK CASTLE KNOWN AS MICHELLES BLOG!!! It’s filled with deep dark secrets about adventures with squirrels and trips to Craft Stores!

    1) I don’t have a SO but I do have some people I don’t want reading my blog *cough*Daddy Dearest*cough*

    a)No, my Dad doesn’t know thank god
    b)No, I really don’t think so

    2)LOL I don’t write about my Dad’s annoyances as much as I used to. I USUALLY, note usually just ignore him or do a little post on Twitter about how he’s bothering me

    3)Do I ever write anything positive about Daddy Dearest?

    4)LOL none but even if I had an SO I wouldn’t let them censor anything.

    I forgot to mention the other things I’d do with the money on the blog yesterday. Was it yesterday? I think it was yesterday/

    -Gardenning since I mostly get veges, and fruits now. Free (sorta) fruits and veges = yay!
    -Buy webhosting
    -Pet animal preferably cat, or fishes maybe a hamster.
    -Travel. Hello Asia, Hello Europe and maybe Hello Iceland I’d like to see a polar icecap before it all melts.
    -Bussiness ventures sound nice

  4. @Jenna – … I have deep dark secrets about squirrels and trips to the craft stores? lol Pretty sure I’ve gone on and on about squirrels and craft stores to the boyfriend before. 😉

    And it’s not a deep dark castle. 🙁 It’s a light and cheery kingdom!

  5. I totally yelled “HI CLAY!” Don’t worry – nobody was around. I’m glad that you told him. I’m sure he will enjoy reading it. Most of the posts about him are awesome anyway.

    1. Josh knows about my blog but he refuses to read it even when I ask him to read “a really good entry.” His logic is that anything I write there I’ve probably already told him or that I should be telling him since we hide nothing from each other. He wants to respect my privacy and let me have my blog without having to worry about his reaction to reading it. I respect him for that.

    2. I write about him all the time.

    3. When there’s something negative I usually only touch the surface, but only because I feel it’s nobody’s business when we fight. Usually I’ll vent about it at my locked LiveJournal.

    4. He says post whatever I want. He says part of love is giving the other person all the ammunition they’ll ever need to hurt you so badly that they could destroy you… but knowing that they never would.

  6. Crap I missed your last entry… I’ll do this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. If you have a blog and a significant other (SO: boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee, wife/husband, dog, cat, etc.) do they a) know about your blog and b) do they read it?

    – My husband knows about it and looks at it a lot but I don’t think he reads it all… I always tell him to check out my new post or what not, especially if I post pics or get a lot of really nice comments.. so he will!

    2. If you answered yes (or no!) to either of the above questions, how often do you write about your SO in your blog entries?

    – Depends. On his days off hes usually always in my posts, but it just depends on the happenings of the week – day to day – I always blog about my days and hes usually at work so I’ll blog about him whenever!

    3. How often do you write negative things about your SO in your blog entries?

    – I’ve never written anything negative about my hubby. Doubt I ever would .. If there was something it would probably be too personal to post but as of yet.. I’ve got nothing!

    4. And if your SO knows about and reads your blog, how much control (or voice) do you allow them to have in regards to the amount of censoring in terms of material that you post up about them or your relationship in general?

    – My hubby wouldn’t ever tell me what to/not to post. He doesn’t care and trusts my judgement and says to post to my hearts content…. He

  7. Well, I hope that he doesn’t throw too big a deal about being written about. I mean, you are pretty general, so it’s not like we can come find him and stalk him, or anything. 😛 And it’s not like the things you write about him a big secret, either. (Leastways, I wouldn’t expect so. ;P)

    1. I do not have a significant other, but I do have a few friends who come up occasionally in my blogs; they know that my blog exists, but, as far as I know, they never visit, nor do they care if I write about them from time to time.
    And, really, they rarely come up — the only person I habitually mention is Hannah, and given that she owns her own site, it’s really not a big deal. ^_^

    Honestly, few people that I know offline know of my site (they know I web design, but don’t know the URL), and none of them visit. I like to keep them away — it just feels weird when they enter my online world, you know? 🙂

  8. Can;t believe you came out to Clay, brave move, think your blog will chage because you know he is reading it?

    1. If you have a blog and a significant other (SO: boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee, wife/husband, dog, cat, etc.) do they a) know about your blog and b) do they read it?
    No one except my friend an her bf.

    2. If you answered yes (or no!) to either of the above questions, how often do you write about your SO in your blog entries?
    Quite a bit, I mean I am with her a lot of the time. It’s only natural!!

    3. How often do you write negative things about your SO in your blog entries?

    4. And if your SO knows about and reads your blog, how much control (or voice) do you allow them to have in regards to the amount of censoring in terms of material that you post up about them or your relationship in general?
    None, it’s my freakin site innit? 🙂 She has her own site and I don’t have(or want) any control over her blog at all.

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