On eating habits and another final DONE.

I’m going to have to admit: I may have giggled a little when I read the comments on my last (donut) blog entry about how it’s totally nutritious and a well-deserved treat. I’ll save you all from seeing what I ate for lunch today because it was practically soaking in oil, but oh so delicious, […]

I want sunshine!

It’s been busy in my world lately, what with a midterm (Wednesday), working on a few new patterns for Chelle-Chelle.com (and I’m working on opening up a pattern store!), life in general. So it’s felt busy, at least to me! It’s still winter and the weather’s been utter crap. There was snow. And then there […]

I’ve got a routine, bonus points for me

I’ve been preoccupied with school lately, it’s basically my life at the moment. That and job searching. Speaking of which, if you know anyone who’s willing to hire a BSc student, currently in 3rd year, that has some some lab experience working with both living and dead animal and plant tissues; handling chemicals in a […]