Showing off

I have two new fanlistings to show off! I’ve been having FTP access issues lately and somehow today I managed to get in and uploaded all the files today. Besides the ‘about’ pages because I always take the longest time on those and I haven’t gotten up my ‘essays’ on the topic yet, haha. Maybe […]

Happy Friday!

From 1. When did someone last break something of yours? Umm… I don’t recall, actually. I don’t even remember the last time I broke something of my own, let alone someone else breaking my things. 2. When did you last play hackysack, if ever? Hahahaha.. Umm, never? I watched people play it in high […]

Leaving the past where it belongs.

I got this little gem in my inbox today: Dear Michelle, How have you been? I’ve been thinking of you lately and have been wondering how you are and where you are right now. I got your email from Tim, who got it from Chantelle who got it from Sam who got it from Lizzie. […]