I headed out today to spend time with people (J, B, R, C, A, S and M – yeah, good luck keeping that sorted in your head) at the mall. A was initially not there as he thought we weren’t there (or something, I don’t know, I can’t follow his logic very well). So we wandered the mall. Checked out the usual stores that are full of toys. We went to another mall for lunch, but I forgot that all of the little food court stalls were cash only and I only had my debit and credit cards on me (go me) so R and I headed back to the other mall while the others roamed specialty shops. I got lunch and he watched me eat (which was kinda uncomfortable since he refused to take any fries and he was just watching me eat – thanks R, if you’re reading this). We headed to a comic book shop and I was looking through for copies of X-Men and he got a phone call from home, because something at his house collapsed due to the loving combination of snow and light rain. Not enough rain to wash it all away, just enough to make it heavier. So he went home and I met up with the rest of the party. M ran off to go to an arcade and play games and we headed back to the comic book store. Where we all bought nothing. But then we headed to a toy store and roamed through there. But this is unimportant, only to bring you all up to speed and to why R’s little disaster has huge relevance to me.
When I got home, I found out that the loving combination of light rain and snow on my roof was also a little… hard on the house. You know rain gutters? That run along the edge of the roof to collect the rain water and it goes all towards one side or the other of your house and then it drains somewhere? That thing? That metal thing that’s supposed to stay attached to your roof?
Well… With the wonderful combination of light rain and snow and how the light rain made the approximate 2 feet of snow on my roof even heavier than it is by itself, the gutter fell. The strip of gutter that fell is the part from outside my room to right off of the deck, where my father was unable to force the snow to fall this morning when he was clearing deck from the snow as he doesn’t particularly like the idea of a collapsing deck. Neither do I, as I remember the parental units bitching about the cost of the new deck when we had it rebuilt due to this great infestation of ants (and the bitching was rightfully theirs, considering how much it cost). So I’d say about half of the edge of the back side of my house is currently missing the gutter that’s supposed to be there. Which is kinda bad, as we won’t be able to get it up properly until after all the snow is gone. My dad’s currently hoping that it won’t be too difficult to do himself. My dad, the one with high blood pressure and with the bad back, wants to do it himself. I’d help if I didn’t have a fear of heights. But… I don’t know, it should go pretty okay. He’s checked out the part that’s currently on the ground and provided that it’s not bent (it’s kind of difficult to tell when it’s attached to a whole mass of icicles) it shouldn’t be too difficult to put back. He hopes.
But now that I’m missing a gutter, I can cheerfully claim that my mind is no longer in the gutter. Kind of impossible if it’s not there to be in.
You’ll be okay without the gutter. Seriously, we went without gutters on the back of the house for two weeks.
Let’s hope the snow is gone in less than two weeks. Preferably less than two days. So you can get your gutter back up and I don’t have to wear winter boots anymore =)
Hehee. No gutter! I hope it gets fixed and all. 😀 Snow and light rain sounds awful; I’ve never been in it.