Lots and lots of photos that I need to take off of my cell phone and move onto my computer and then opening up Photoshop in order to shove all the somewhat clear photos into the template and then save them as a .jpg… Oh, the work! But I have photos of baking (when J came over and we persevered and made over 200 cookies), a Christmas card (that I just receieved from Cody at HumanGirl.com) and the mini-tree ornaments I bought today that will look awesome decking out my mini tree next year (which, unfortunately, falls over whenever I try to put on the regular-sized ornaments onto it’s teeny, spindly little branches).


Sugar cookies waiting to be placed onto the trays.


Butterflies and doves.


Stars… Lots and lots of stars… As well as some bells and butterflies.


The stamps that were on the envelope of the card that I got from Cody (it’s blurry, but the one on the left is a 27-cent US stamp with the picture of half of a pomegranate, the one on the right is of St. John, US Virgin Islands… It looks really warm there, I wish I was there…). I don’t have these ones in my collection yet either.


Eeeeeee, the card I got from Cody – isn’t that penguin adorable?!


She even included a cupcake recipe, my cell battery was dying at this point so I didn’t take a picture of the back, but it’s a recipe for ‘Crimson Velveteen Cupcakes’ and it’s a vegan recipe, which is good considering my house is running low on butter and milk.


And this is what happens when my parents tell me to pick whatever I want in the clearance section of the Christmas decorations… I ended up with a few things, but this one was my favourite. 20 small glass ornaments (only 2cm across!) in varying shades of beige and they’re going to look awesome on the 1-foot tree that I have. Plus it was only $1.60 for the box.

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