“Zomg, I fail”

In high school, with most of the friends that I had, saying that we failed for most of us meant that we didn’t get an A. We were ridiculously competitive like that. In a “Oh, she got 92% on that test, but I got 92… point 5!” kind of a way. It was a nice […]

That’s not how you save the world

I was talking to my friend B today and she was telling me how she’s going to be splurging money on this brand of makeup because (and this was her justification) “even though it’s expensive, a portion will go to support research!” That annoyed me, for so many reasons. It’s one thing to purchase a […]

Can’t believe I’m going to admit this…

So in my last entry, there were 5 commenters. 4 of you thought that A was Clay and that B was me (making him the super-sweet one) while 1 of you thought that A was me and therefore B was him (making me sweet in an out-of-character-way). I’d hate to break it to you, but […]