Work was very long today. And tedious. I spent about four hours at Building A. I had lunch at noon and left Building A at about 12:45pm. I went to Building B and didn’t leave until a little bit after 3, where I stayed until the end of the work day. Work is tedious. And I need to go back to Building B tomorrow and I need to wear ‘appropriate clothing’ so I can go and muck around with disgustingly dirty things. Heavy emphasis on the word dirty, by the way. Luckily there’s soap. Although the room I’ll be in does not have air conditioning. On the flip side, there’s music.
What’s the weather been like where you are? It’s been ridiculously hot the last couple of days. I’ve been staying hydrated and drinking as much water as humanly possible. Especially after I got back to Building A (the car was parked in direct sunlight as it was the only spot in the parking lot that was available – baked Michelle, anyone?) and just gulped down water and stood in front of a fan for a while. Which was nice, honestly. I was tempted to dump my cup over my head, but I knew about five seconds after doing it (or less), I’d totally regret it because it’d just be awkwardly uncomfortable. But I shall leave off with some conversation snippets that I had with a coworker today (he was joking, by the way).
V: You should go home. Or go to the beach with your boyfriend.
M: What if I don’t have one?
V: [pause] You don’t have a boyfriend? Why not? What is wrong with you?
M: [laughs] Maybe all the guys my age are immature.
V: That’s why you date someone older.
M: I don’t think some people improve with age.
V: I’m mature now, we can go to the beach together.
M: [laughs] Right…
So how was your day today? Did you do anything?
The heat is too intense right now =(
I feel like I’m melting all the time. And for once, I’m glad I work in a restaurant because it’s air conditioned!
And seriously, who wants to be at the beach when it’s this unbearably hot out? In the direct sunlight with no shade? Not my idea of fun.
It’s completely cold here. 😛 Very very cold. I shivered a lot today. 🙁
I installed WP with Fantastico. I’m just debating whether to actually convert to it or not haha. And because I would hate to change my URLs. I do have a copy of my pages though! Hmm. I’m still thinking about it. 😀
My ex-boyfriend still hasn’t improved with age. 😛
Ah work; I hate when things are boring and repetitive, so I try to spice them up anyway possible. Usually I end up humming songs to myself the entire time, haha.
Mm, I didn’t do much yesterday; just lazed around the house, working on internet stuff, until I had to head to work for the evening. Work was long, but busy, so time passed fairly quickly. ^^
It’s way too hot D:
LOL I’m mature now. Well that was fast XD
Haha your coworker is funny. You’re lucky it’s been nice there. It’s been depressing and rainy here.