Yesterday I spent some time with my friends (S, S2, C, J, R and S2’s friend P). We decided to muck around public transit and a large park. Which was pretty cool, until somebody insisted on going to see the rose garden. So we attempted to find that. And failed. Miserably. So instead, we ended up just walking around for hours and hours and hours (from about 4:30 to before 7:30) before we ended up at a restaurant.
Some highlights from my excursion out with my friends yesterday includes…
- Stumbling upon a wedding (at which point we sat down at a nearby picnic table to rest)
- Mutterings of cannibalism (jokingly, of course) in the event that we got lost and stuck in the park
- R saving a small child from running straight off the path and into the water (he ruined it by calling the child a ‘him’ when it was obviously a ‘her’)
- Posing for photos in front of a building that is apparently used in a local television production (dorky poses, but whatever)
- Making people pose for random photos in front of great scenery
- Nearly getting run over by cyclists (once or twice only though)
- Going “Are we there yet?” while J was leading the way to the restaurant (we’d decided on White Spot)
- S splitting up the bill and her so proudly pointing out her methods of neat ripping of paper
- J making R pose for photos in the restaurant because he was using a fork and knife for his burger
- J losing batteries somehow magically in the restaurant (and it turns out that everyone, but me, seems to carry a flashlight on them?!)
- On the train going back home, we engaged in a pseudo-conversation who offered to watch over S for us since she was sleeping on the train and we were talking (not-so quietly) about leaving her on the train when it was our stop – turns out that he got off on the same station – and she didn’t believe us
But I had a great time out with my friends. I hadn’t seen most of them in months (keep in mind that I probably live within a 10 block radius of most of them) so it was really nice to see them again.
And as I hope you all can tell, there’s a new layout up! I’m also working on a new blog (Blythe related) as well as still working on the revamp of
Hope you all had a great Saturday (and a good 4th of July – if you’re American) and that you have a great Sunday as well.
Aw, I’m glad you had such a good time. It’s so fantastic to reconnect with people you haven’t hung out with for so long. I’ve been doing some of that lately too.
The new layout is cute!
I like your layout =)
Im glad to know that the whole cannibalism was a joke =P
And guess what I learned from yesterday? Never sleep on the skytrain ’cause my friends dont plan on waking me up!!! haha…
Aww, I miss my high school friends so much. Reading your blog makes me want to see mine even more. :’)
I like the header image in this new layout. It’s very pretty! The colours look really great too.
Reminds me of the one you had with “memento mori”. :3
The child reminds me of when my brother was little; everyone thought he was a girl because he was very cute. lol
I have rarely seen your name spelled with one “L”; I know a number of Michelles with their name spelled as “Michelle”.
New layout! It’s gorgeous, Michelle!
But dude, it sounds like you had a fabulous time with your friends. Isn’t amazing how uplifting old pals can be?
brown. i like.
sounds like you had fun. ahh… i remember fun lol
You forgot to mention trying to set us up lol.
I think S still doesn’t believe us about the guy on the train