Do your research: website hosting companies

My sister D’s been curious about what I spend all my time on the internet for. So I explained the whole blogging thing and forums and showed her a few of my sites. She was curious in it and asked me how much it cost (she balked at the idea of having to pay for […]

Beach time and photo dump!

My friend J had her birthday party yesterday at a local beach! It was quite fun and it was really warm out (however, when we first got there, the beach had just a few people and it was breezy and cold). It was fun though, I got to see people that I generally don’t regularly […]

Is it September yet? Please?

11 work days left! My school still sucks and doesn’t have a textbook list up yet! Remember how last year, at the end of the summer when I was complaining about having 10+ projects going on to finish and get signed off? Remember all that? The pain and suffering I went through? (I try to […]