Are you a brainiac? I know who isn’t one!

8 more work days! (Can you tell that I’m counting down?) On the school front – I have not gotten a response yet regarding that ‘unpaid registration fee’ for the summer term (obviously, I did not take any courses during the summer and it should have been removed from my account ages ago). I need […]


Only 9 more work days! No Clay at work today, also no D or S (for socialization purposes). So work was a) depressing, b) long and c) boring. But mostly depressing. Meeting(s) tomorrow in the afternoon. More work, more sourcing out materials, more sketching. But the textbook list at my school is up! So I […]

Woes and rambling

I’m not sure what is wrong with me lately, but I have actually been waking up at decent times this weekend! Like instead of sleeping until 11pm or noon (like I normally do), I’ve been getting up at around 8 or 9am. And while this is still later than my alarm for the weekdays is […]