Can you be jealous of someone you’ve never met?

Completely not impressed. Why? I’ve been working full time every summer break since I was 16 (a total of a little over 12 months of full time work) in order to pay for my tuition, to pay my student fees, to have money to pay for things going towards my hobbies (beads, yarn, fabric, dolls, […]

Mishaps, cheerful antics and everything else

I’ve been sending time away from the computer lately (I was online for ~10 minutes yesterday!). I counted it all up, and I spent nearly four and a half hours in public transit yesterday! 3 hours for to and from school, then more time on various buses and trains. I completely abused my transit pass, […]

Little conversations

One of my friends from university that I haven’t seen since early 2009 (whoops…) even though we attend the same school and even had a class together last term (but we never saw each other) saw me today while I was leaving my lab class. She ran up to me and gave me a huge […]