Because, uhh, humans *totally* have cell walls. /sarcasm

I was watching a commercial about some kind of one-a-day vitamin type thing and how one of the components is fish oil (which everyone knows is a good thing) and how it will (and I almost directly quote, in a paraphrasing kind of way) “ensure that your cell walls will remain flexible as you get […]

Walking on glass

So I have a glass light fixture thing over the lights in my room (on my ceiling). Last night, the screw cap got loose and it came down. The light fixture is in the centre of my ceiling. The corner of my bed also happens to be in the centre of my room. The glass […]

Make a difference

Both of my morning newspapers had front page news about Haiti and the 7.0 earthquake. The phrase “the poorest country in the western hemisphere” was repeated so many times in the reporters’ articles in order to drive home the fact that there is a lot of people who are currently without home, food, health care […]