Good bye, July. Hello, August!
I found some down time, so I’ve been blogging a little bit. My friend’s birthday/sleepover was fun! We watched this action movie (Eagle Eye) which was actually quite good. Maybe I just like the whole car crash, plane crash, gunfire type of thing. In movies! Not in real life. Thank goodness… Photos of my friend’s […]
Plans, plans, plans
When did I get a social life with actual plans and where can I return it? I mean, seriously, I spent years doing nothing on weekends (3 hours of learning Mandarin on Saturdays from the age of 6 to the age of 14 does not count as doing ‘something’ because I would have much rather […]
I want off this roller coaster. Now.
Wednesday… What can I say about Wednesday? Work Issues… Well, for starters, it was 40 degrees today. Celsius, for all you people thinking “Zomg, that’s so cold!” as that would be 4.5C – which is almost freezing! – if that was 40F. But no, it was 40C, which is 104F. Yeah, I was incredibly not […]