Just all smiles today
Thanks for all the lovely comments about the layout, it’s always nice to know that the things I think look okay aren’t completely off. Heather – I’m actually not sick… As far as I’m concerned. Lately it’s just a lot of breathing in dust and fibreglass at work (Yay for not realizing that there’s fibreglass […]
I went pink (again).
Kelsey – I hope I didn’t get what you had. That being said, the last two days I’ve been sneezing like crazy… But only at work. Once I get home, there’s nothing. My mom thinks it’s because of all the dust and grime and crap at work that’s wrecking havoc on my respiratory track. Yay… […]
Taxidermy, Fighting & Mr Snuffles
@ Kristi – Prawns (or shrimp, both terms are used – but there is a difference!) are crustaceans. Just like crabs and lobsters. And, in short, are seafood and kind of a basic part of my diet (… well, I wish). Sunday was fairly good. I had volunteering from 1-3 where I interacted with my […]