Perfect in that moment.
“I miss you, sweetie.” Question: What was the last text message that you received? Who was it from? How did it make you feel?
Today’s song was brought to you by…
The letter’s F and U as well as the number 1897235856271211. Anyways… Westlife’s Miss You. I’ve been listening to it almost all day. It’s driving me insane because I keep on turning back to it. Even in my sleeping state, I pulled out my mp3 player and turned it back to that. Wtf.
Being… happy
Things that happened today that made me happy/proud-of-self/pleased: Had a conversation with Clay and told him everything that I was having problems with (however, the entire conversation took place from 1am to 3:30am-ish, so I’m not sure how coherent I really was). I took advantage of the advanced polling for the Canadian federal election and […]