Getting in was just step #1

There are a lot of things to do before right now and when I actually start the program. It’s still kind of a rush, I’m still coming to terms with the whole idea that I actually got in. You guys, I’m going to be a Student Nurse. But things I’m doing this month (May) include: […]

I can’t just filter out the stupid. :'(

While I sit here sipping tea and making Excel do my bidding[1. I’m working on an assignment for my class regarding climate change through time.], tweets keep popping up on my screen (thanks, Tweetdeck) and generally it doesn’t bother me (because I ignore it unless I can actually recognize the avatar). Some people tweet the […]

The end of something, the start of something

The past week or so has been a bit of a whirlwind. I got sick, for starters. Don’t ask me how. How does one come down with a cold in the summer? It defies logic (even though, the biology student side of me is chiding me for thinking that a ‘cold’ has anything to do […]