An Obligatory Post-Christmas Entry

Work last week went well. I may have enjoyed the fact that people were bringing in cookies and chocolates and the fact that there was a steady supply of decent hot chocolate right there a little bit too much. But, well, it’s just a little sugar? I did do some Christmas baking last week  – […]

twenty + one = twenty-one

So uhh, I turned twenty-one years old recently. I can now legally drink in the United States of America… Not that I’m in the States very often. But I could legally drink in the States. Although I’ve been able to legally drink in Canada since I was 19. Oh, and now I’m sure you’re all […]

Better late than never!

The dentist loves me. Mostly because I go so darn often. Heh, not as often as my sister though! I went today for my regular cleaning. My dentist poked around at the spots where I got my wisdom teeth extracted (by him) and my mouth is sore in the back right now because of it. […]