The dentist loves me. Mostly because I go so darn often. Heh, not as often as my sister though! I went today for my regular cleaning. My dentist poked around at the spots where I got my wisdom teeth extracted (by him) and my mouth is sore in the back right now because of it. Apparently he was checking that they were healing well by poking at them. Absolutely stupid logic in my opinion. The hygienist that I got today liked me because I a) got my wisdom teeth pulled (so he didn’t have to clean those) and b) I got 4 adult molars taken out when I was younger (so even less teeth to clean, yay?). Plus, it’s okay, because I ended up with a pretty green toothbrush and I got to watch most of Up while I was getting my teeth cleaned.
Oh! My sister D finally gave me my 2009 Christmas present! I got two silicone cupcake/muffin trays! There’s 6 cupcakes/muffins per tray, so I can bake a full dozen. Love! And they’re even red! I’m still on the lookout for silicone mini muffin trays – I’ve been looking for decently priced ones that have enough spots for a dozen (and then I’d buy 2 so I can use up the majority of one batch of batter). Which would be fabulous, but I do love the fact that I finally got my 2009 Christmas present from my sister! Plus, it is exactly what I asked for and exactly what she said she was going to get for me – she just took a while to get around to it.
I’ve also been working (still!) on a new crochet pattern for an infant/toddler/child hat (three different sizes… you best believe I asked three coworkers with appropriately-aged children if I could borrow their children’s heads briefly just for sizing and to get some feedback!). I plan on making the pattern for sale soon… After I’m done doing my prototype hats and getting them out there and tried on! It’s going to be a paid pattern (first one!) on my crafts site – (which also has a few free crochet patterns too!). I do have a few other crochet patterns that I’m working on for the site – there will be a few more free ones coming out this summer along with a few more ones for sale that I’m going to be working on after the current hat pattern, yay. So excited to be working on so many new things though, keeps me busy (aside from work, yay!).
Questions for you:
- What’s something new that’s going on in your life? And on your blog/website(s)?
- What is your favourite recipe (baking!)? Any that you would recommend?
- What is something that a family member did to you that was hurtful? Did they bother apologizing for it?
Eep, dentists! I don’t mind going, as I probably told you already, but now I’ve got an ulcer under my tongue which is pretty uncomfortable.
Since I last commented, my wisdom teeth have grown a lot more. XD It was giving my gum pain but I’m glad it’s evened out.
1. What’s something new that’s going on in your life? And on your blog/website(s)?
I opened my portfolio at XD
2. What is your favourite recipe (baking!)? Any that you would recommend?
Hmm… I really love ham and cheese muffins.
3. What is something that a family member did to you that was hurtful? Did they bother apologizing for it?
My mum’s called me everything under the sun (bitch, as an example)… I was just disobeying her, so she didn’t apologise. 😐
Another domain?! Gosh, you have so many now! It must be like what, 40+ now? 😛
Wow I never get to watch movies when I go to the dentist! Lucky! I don’t go very often. I have never even had a cavity. *knocks on wood*
That is so funny that your sister is just giving you your Christmas present. At least she did it! Better late than never, I always say!
1. I’m planning to move to NZ. I’m blogging more.
2. I have no favorite. I’m always trying new things.
3. I usually forgive and forget.
What’s something new that’s going on in your life? And on your blog/website(s)?
– Im a manager now at Hastings 🙂 I also bought myself a new car! A yellow Chevrolet XD 09 model.
What is your favourite recipe (baking!)? Any that you would recommend?
– Rarely bake nothing lol.
What is something that a family member did to you that was hurtful? Did they bother apologizing for it?
– I dont want to get into my childhood but it involves lots of harsh, critisizing words at a young age,
I still have yet to go to the dentist.. in 6 years..oops. I need too but no insurance =(
… This is why there needs to be at least one Target in Canada. As long as it’s nearby where I live, it’s all good 😉
ahhh cool i have some silicone bakeware in red myself. i can only make six muffins at a time though!!
1. What’s something new that’s going on in your life? And on your blog/website(s)? not much new in my life…as far as the site i am doing better commenting/and all that with the domain 🙂
2. What is your favourite recipe (baking!)? Any that you would recommend?oh my i hardly ever bake!
3. What is something that a family member did to you that was hurtful? Did they bother apologizing for it? i’m honestly not sure what it was, i’m sure my mother has said something, and i doubt she has apologized lol
I can’t remember the last time I went to the dentist. Very long time ago.
I might sound like the biggest idiot ever; but what’s a molar? I know they’re teeth right? If I had four teeth taken out, I wouldn’t have much left.
What’s something new that’s going on in your life? And on your blog/website(s)? Well you will have to come and find out. 🙂
What is your favourite recipe (baking!)? Any that you would recommend?
I love to make cookies. But I just buy pre made cookie doh.
What is something that a family member did to you that was hurtful? Did they bother apologizing for it? When my dad died my little sister came up to me and said “haha, your dad is dead.” (we have different fathers). I also had a kid in school say that to me. Some kids are just way to nasty. Another hurtful thing is when my mother calls me fat, and makes fun of me in front of my friends and family. And then I say “like mother like daughter.” She gets offended?! I have lots of stories on that one…
Molars are the teeth in the back of your mouth (the ones with a flattish-surface, canines are the ones near the front with a sharper surface). 🙂
I got my wisdom teeth removed (4 teeth) and 4 molars removed (the first set of molars that come right after the last set of canines). I had the 4 molars removed when I was younger because my mouth was too small for my teeth, lol. If they hadn’t gotten removed, my other adult teeth would have come in crooked (or worse) and there would have definitely been no room for my wisdom teeth to even think about coming in straight!