Oh hai, I have a blog?

I’m still alive, promise. I’ve been super busy! Since my last post, I was on spring break for a week (where I picked up a week of full time work). My break consisted of homework and work-work. At least I got paid for one of those… But the money is already spoken for, oh well! […]

Back into the swing of things

And it’s almost like… I didn’t get a break at all… Life as a nursing student has been busy! I’ve been busy as the term quickly turned into a lot of work. I just turned in my first paper of the term, I’ve been doing loads of readings every single day, doing research for a […]

It’s the little things in life

On the new laptop front: I’m loving it. I need to do a virus scan on my HP before I go and copy files over and make my Asus my primary computer, but I love it. It turns on (after being shut down) in 16 seconds, it’ll ‘wake up’ from being in sleep mode in […]