“$490! He totally loves me!” -gag-
I was sitting in my chemistry lecture and writing down notes. About halfway through the lecture, my prof likes to take a break from talking, take a drink of water, put up ‘funny’ science-related comics (half of them are funny, half of them are just… really lame). So J takes the moment to open up […]
Feels like a Monday…
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions for my Bible-citing needs. I did clarify with my prof how he’d like me to cite it and he just looked at me and went “… You overthink things way too much. Just do it like this… [he writes things out on a piece of paper] and write this… […]
Grey’s fangirl status? Check.
It’s Thursday. Did you watch tonight’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy? Don’t you just love Cristina about a million times more now? And the guy with the face? And who watched Private Practice? Violet and Charlotte are so adorable. Makes me want to squish them both into a hug. Ahem. Anyways, I headed out to school […]