With friends like these, who needs enemies?

I brought my laptop to school today, I normally don’t on Wednesdays because I usually never have a whole lot of time to be perusing the interwebs and typing up my notes in my Wednesday classes doesn’t work as well as hand-written notes do. But, I did, so I was reading up on blogs and […]

Relationship coach and future dog owner?

I get roped into some of the most absurd conversations with my friend J from psychology (he’s the one that, silly him, got his foot run over by a car at a crosswalk). Today was no exception as we were sitting outside of the lecture hall and waiting for the class before ours to leave […]

“Zomg, I fail”

In high school, with most of the friends that I had, saying that we failed for most of us meant that we didn’t get an A. We were ridiculously competitive like that. In a “Oh, she got 92% on that test, but I got 92… point 5!” kind of a way. It was a nice […]