Rain, rain, go away

At school today, I found Waldo sitting with Cleopatra, a rather short looking Jack Sparrow and a random vampire. None of my profs dressed up (I had profs dress up last year, and give out candy – no one was that interested in doing so today). However, classes went well today. Still waiting on the […]

One day more

One more work day! As much as I do like working at the company that I work for, this is the longest stretch that I’ve worked there so far. For the first and second year, I worked there for 2 months each year. For my third year there, I worked there for about two months, […]


2 more work days. Work has been a touch hectic. I’m alternating between working at my desk, helping a coworker move files and random stuff and working in production (mmm, cutting things with pliers!). Tomorrow is going to be my “End of Summer” lunch, which should be pretty fun. I’m also halfway done my dozen […]