An open letter to (some) Canadians
Dear Canadians, You disappoint me on so many levels. The first government to be found in contempt of Parliament. The first prime minister to do so much stupid things. And while they haven’t finished counting up all the ballots, everyone is projecting a majority Conservative government. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named did so much stupid things to embarrass the […]
I get it, I’m young.
I went to the advanced polls today – actual election day is May 2nd, but I had time today so I went do the place that was listed on the back of my election. All I did was walk up to the table and handed my elector’s card and photo id to the person in […]
Can’t stop what you can’t control
Ahhh, work’s been so exciting lately. I spend a lot of time scanning in documents. One. At. A. Time. And I can’t use the photocopier to scan them all in quickly because of the fact that there’s different sizes of pages, different weights of paper (so the photocopier will probably pick up more than one […]