Better late than never!

The dentist loves me. Mostly because I go so darn often. Heh, not as often as my sister though! I went today for my regular cleaning. My dentist poked around at the spots where I got my wisdom teeth extracted (by him) and my mouth is sore in the back right now because of it. […]

Michelle makes a friend, gets mail and worries a lot

So I had my first plants biology lab this week and it went really well. The awkward thing is that I walked into the room and didn’t know a single person (besides of the instructors, because she’s also one of my profs and I had her for my plants biology lab last term as well). […]

Light shows and dinner failures!

Zomg. Last night, I left the house without the sisters or mom with me – hello, freedom! Not that I don’t love my family (I do), it’s just that I don’t like spending that much time with them because they start getting nit picky with me, or start commenting on the clothes that I wear […]