My Christmas blurb
My sister came home for Christmas! She’s here until New Years (she leaves on January 1st – apparently it’s cheap to travel on holiday dates). I also got season 4 of Grey’s Anatomy (to go with seasons 1, 2 and 3). I got a cupcake recipe book and it has so many different recipes, I […]
Happy Non-denominational Winter Holiday
Go ahead and snag it if you want. I figured it’s about as much holiday cheer I can muster up at the moment. My house is currently lacking: a tree, decorations of the Christmas variety (However, the Valentines’ heart window clings? Still up and have been for several years.) and Christmas baking. Why is my […]
Manic Monday #147
If you were at a friend’s house for a holiday dinner and you found a dead cockroach in your salad, what would you do? I’d probably say something… only because it’s kinda awkward trying to pull a dead cockroach from the salad and into my napkin without attracting attention because I’d kinda not want to […]