And from the men’s department…
Lah de dah… Today’s been kind of a wash. I spent today: eating (…), studying (biology), listening to people sing (a.k.a. the choir) and more studying (biology). My sister (J) is in a choir and they had a performance today at a local mall, so my other sister and I went and took loads of […]
My organic chemistry final is over and done with. All I could do after the final was laugh. My friends thought I was losing it (did I ever really have it though?). First thing I said? So was that as fun for you as it was for me? Because, honestly, that was the most absurd […]
The thought of the spirit of giving
December is an expensive month for a lot of people. There’s gift exchanges among friends, family, co-workers and neighbours. There’s dinner parties to attend, family dinners, presents to buy and give to your cousin’s ungrateful and materialistic children – unless your cousin’s children are grateful and not materialistic… In which case, you’re a lucky, lucky […]