Morning tea and Swedish furniture walk into a bar…
Imaginary Sunshine finally has a new theme! It has an absurd amount of layers for what it looks like (24, which seems like a lot to me for how simplistic it looks, but such is life!), I love pretty flowers. It was pointed to me a while ago by K how many of my WordPress […]
Family dinner, lazy Sunday and W.A.S.P. part deux
New layout for August (a few days late, but ehhhh, at least it’s not an August layout in September?). Also, there’s a new header and colour scheme up over at Little Miss Sophie. I spent a couple hours at volunteering today, which was fun. We did trivia questions. I knew none of the sports question, […]
When I grow up, I want to win the lottery
My sister was telling me about how the lottery jackpot in the state that she’s currently living in (California) is like 200+ million dollars, US. But then after taxes, it’s a lot closer to a 100 million dollars. Due to taxes and whatnot. I can only imagine what kind of advertisements I’d see in Canada […]