Did you make the list?
Paulhus et al. (2002) posed a question in a survey in the United States to ask people to list the top 5 people that they considered to be intelligent. After the results had been compiled, this was the top 10 list of people considered to be intelligent by the general public (in order): Einstein Bill […]
I am pleased to announce that I’ve actually been paying attention in my psychology class (this prof is so much more engaging than my last one). Oh, and I’m head-over-heels in love with my literature prof’s voice. Not with him, mind you, just his voice. I don’t think that I’d have much luck convincing Clay […]
Sleepy Wednesday?
My psych prof is still talking about the introduction to the new chapter (States of Consciousness). He’s talking about a case of how this man and a woman went and got high on designer drugs and then the man woke up and he was covered in blood, called the police and then he got charged […]