I can’t just filter out the stupid. :'(

While I sit here sipping tea and making Excel do my bidding[1. I’m working on an assignment for my class regarding climate change through time.], tweets keep popping up on my screen (thanks, Tweetdeck) and generally it doesn’t bother me (because I ignore it unless I can actually recognize the avatar). Some people tweet the […]

A lot of shopping, a lot of meds

It has been pointed out to me by my sisters that I like thrift stores an awful lot. Mostly because it’s a challenge to find things, and things are inexpensive/cheap (but you do need to know what to look for). My favourite sections are the housewares and the toys. I’ve been collecting soup mugs with […]

Being a good girl

I haven’t physically harmed anyone this week. I feel as if this is an accomplishment. If you follow me on Twitter or have spoken to me since late Wednesday, you know why. Life. Sucks.